I'm rather pleased with myself today. I managed to get nearly all the way through yesterday with hardly a passing thought to the fact that it was inauguration day. This may not seem like such a fantastic achievement to you, but for me, it's huge. In the weeks leading up to Black Tuesday in November, I allowed myself to become rather obsessed with reading about, talking about, thinking about and worrying about the election, to the detriment of my job responsibilities and my writing schedule (which was going pretty smooth at the time). I stayed up all night long after most of the results came in, while the country was still teetering on the fence between hope and despair. And then when the great state of Ohio tapped us on the shoulder and we fell headlong into that dark chasm, I allowed myself to wallow for a few more weeks in self-pity, confusion and disgust.
Now, however, it seems that I'm back to my old apathetic self. But I learned a valuable lesson...
Caring is for losers.
51% of the country thought that a man who couldn't find oil in Texas is a good choice to lead the most powerful country in the world? Who cares.
US soldiers are being forced to serve multiple tours of duty in a war that is completely unfounded? What's on HBO tonight?
220,000 killed in a South Asia natural disaster? Sounds like the beginning of a pretty funny joke.
It's nice being stupid and American.
mp3: David Bowie - Candidate (demo)
2 things said:
you probably don't know me, won't know me, or won't even read this message. although i would have to state, matter of factly, that if you don't care, why are you writing about it in the first place? i'm a teen. i can understand being 'involved' in politics, and thinking that all life is meaningless. been there, done that. but even i still complain about trivial things in a blog, in other words, i shouldn't really be saying anything. but obviously, this is your choice. all i have to give you, as a random, misleading conforming person is "a man without ambition is dead" and you, my friend, sound to me as though you lack ambition. this may sound harsh coming from someone as young as me but i truly think that someone that is surely older than me certainly needs a boost of something. go and search for that, and next time you try accusing a president of calling war for oil, ask yourself why the gas prices are so high.
if you even want to talk to an arogant child such as myself - dalhar_dlil_olath@hotmail.com.
Not mine, either. We'd been trying the Ostrich Technique of deliberate attempted ignorance for a while now. My bride is better at it than this reluctant news junkie. Watching Stanley with the 4-year-old I learned that ostriches don't, in fact, put their heads in the ground. They lie flat and stretch their necks out to hide from predators.
Apathy is SO difficult. Outrage is so ungratifying. So was voting.
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