Whiskey and iPods, be the death of me

I'm sorry, but this is going to be a very boring post. My apologies in advance. If you're looking for something more intertaining, I suggest you spend a few minutes watching this guy dance, and then check back here later on.

So, I totally eff-ing love my iPod, and when I say "eff-ing," I mean "fucking." I fucking love it to death. I take it with me everywhere I go, even if I'm just walking to by cigarettes. I honestly don't know how I survived such a sad and empty existence for the 30+ years before I had it in my possession. One of my favorite features on the beautiful thing is the alarm feature. I've hooked the iPod up to my bedroom stereo system and set the alarm for 7 am (well before I'm usually (or ever) awake), so that I can wake up every morning to commercial free music that I don't hate. One less reason to contemplate suicide each morning.

Recently, I discovered ephPod, a program which functions the same as iTunes, except that it allows you to pull music off your iPod (a feature I thought was retardedly missing from the actual iPod software) as well as put it on. "Great," I thought, "Now the pieces are falling into place, and soon I will rule the world with a harsh and majestic fist!" Except...

...well, there's an "except."

You see, if you use ephPod software, for some fucked up, crazy, horrible, stupid ass, dumbshitfuck reason, if you use ephPod, it disables the iPod's alarm clock feature. And ONLY the alarm clock feature. That's the one drawback. It does all this cool shit, but it kills the ONE thing I really loved about the iPod. (You can wipe the iPod clean, and reload all the software to get the alarm, back, but then the next time you use ephPod it's gone all over again.) So, I had to choose between being able to pull songs off my iPod and being woken to the sound of music.

I did some online research to see if other people had solutions for this problem, and I tried some experiments, but none of them worked. Finally, I said, "Fuck this. I'm gonna figure this out on my own." So, I put on my goggles and my lead-lined jacket out of storage and went to work, using all manner of tools and gadgets, calling upon the ghosts of my anscentors and bargaining with demigods for the rights to my soul. Eventually, I cracked it. (The problem, not the iPod.)

Simply use the ephPod to pull mp3s off your iPod and iTunes to upload music onto your iPod. When you exit ephPod, it'll ask you if you want to save changes. Click "no."

Problem solved.

Fuck yeah!

For my taste, there's just not enough cursing in modern music. I don't know when this change happened. Those old Verde and Mozart operas were mostly just streams of obscenities shreiked over some pretty music. "You fucking cunt! You put poison in my fucking wine! You miserable bitch, I'm fucking dying now!" (That's why you really need to read the translations to fully appreciate the songs.) Somewhere along the way, we've become very conservative.

Anyway, I was really happy to discover the eponymous single Martha Wainwright's debut EP, Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole. Man, it is some sweet sweet cursing. And she has a real way with it. Some people curse well and some people don't. I think that I curse like a champ. I know my mother does. And Martha Wainwright does as well.

The thing is, though, it's actually a very pretty song, even without the sweet sweet curse words.

mp3: Martha Wainwright - Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole

Being a repository for unpopular opinons, self-deprecation, some mp3s and very little about Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky.


fyodor.dostoevsky at gmail.com


January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
February 2006


Matthew Tobey
Utter Wonder
Maud Newton
J. Edward Keyes

mp3 places

Songs: Illinois
Big Rock Candy Mountain
Bars & Guitars
Heraclitus Sayz
Ween FTP
Songs To Wear Pants To
MP3 Jackpot
Public Domain 4U