If you're very sad that this site hasn't been uppdated in nearly a year, then you might be the only one. However, here's some good news you, you one single person who probably leads a very sad life: has just gone live, and it contains a blog section in which I blog about a bunch of bloggish stuff.
It's totally rad!1
And, this time I promise to break the elusive 20 posts barrier.2 (This, by the way, is post #19 for this site. So close.) I'll have to do something celebratory to celebrate.
So, what have I been doing since last March? Well, there's this. Yes, it's a real book published by an actual publisher. How did this happen? Your guess is as good as mine.3 But I try not to look gift horses in the mouth, or in any other oriface for that matter. (It should be noted that if I were going to look a gift horse in an oriface, which I wouldn't, it would almost definitely be the mouth oriface.)
Also, I helped my friends accidentally burn down a friend's house.4 That was kinda big, too.
1. Not guaranteed.
2. Please see here.
3. My guess would involve a lot of blind luck.
4. This really happened, and it was incredibly depressing.
1 things said:
holy crap! congradulations! I just happened by through someone else's blog. playing the click a link game. I used to stop by here a while back, I enjoyed your writing style. If I had money I'd probably buy your book.
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